Thursday, July 2, 2009

Finally Some Rain

When we first arrived in Mysore, we were told that the monsoon season was beginning, and we had several hour-long rain showers during our first few days. After that, however, the rain stopped. Now, 4 weeks later, people have become very worried about the lack of rain. The first problem is for the farmers, most of who lack irrigation systems and rely on rainfall to water their crops. The second problem is that the city of Mysore gets most of its power from hydroelectric dams, so no rain means no electricity. For the past week we have been having power outages due to the lack of water that can be run through the damns. The water supply to homes has also been turned off at time, though PHRI has a water tank so we have not been effected. Yesterday and today the power has gone off from around 10 am to 4 pm, on other days it has been out most of the evening. PHRI has a battery for outages, but it only lasts for about an hour, after which we are in the dark, making work very difficult.
Prayer flags in Coorg, asking for rain

A cornfield in a village 30 minute from Mysore. You can see the plants dying.

Well today we finally had some rain. Defiantly not enough to relieve the shortage, but hopefully it is a sign that the monsoon has finally arrived. Hopefully it isn't too late for the farmers.